- Where can I find my flight hours and flight number?
Where can I find my flight hours and flight number?
Flight hours and flight numbers can be requested via ‘'myTUI’.
Scheduled departure and arrival times are always indicated in the local time of the respective airport. TUIfly will make every effort to respect the timetable communicated.
When you book your ticket, we will inform you about the timetable applicable at that moment. After booking, the flight schedule may change due to circumstances beyond our control (decisions of a competent authority or weather conditions).
In case of changes, we will inform you via the contact details provided. By booking a flight with TUIfly, you agree to the general terms and conditions stating that the exact flight times are not essential to you.
This provision does not affect the passenger's rights under Regulation (Regulation (EC) N° 261/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on compensation in the event of cancellation or long delay of a flight.